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Camaras en KRS

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Camaras en KRS

Notapor javierfl » Vie May 18, 2007 9:55 pm

Leido hoy en ... 672#823672

I thought I would start simple, so here is some information about the camera views available in Rail Simulator.

Many of you on here have asked if we will cater for more advanced camera options than you are already used to. Well in short, Yes. Although you will find many familiar views, we have made huge improvements to their functionality and more importantly, extended the range available to allow the user to see much more of the action. Here are some of the views available:
3D Cab Camera - Using the mouse it is possible to fully explore the cab of your chosen train. This view also features the option to change position within the cab, as well as a zoom function allowing you to get a clearer view of the controls, displays or a closer look at something outside. The “Head-Out Camera” is also available under mouse and keyboard control.
Coupling Camera – In Rail Simulator we have added the ability to view vehicle coupling from more than one angle. Combining this with the full 3D physics controlled system, should make this camera far more useful to the shunting fanatics. More about coupling at a later date though…
Enhanced Track Side Camera – Although we have included the familiar Track Side Camera this additional mode allows you to position the camera yourself. This was in answer many comments from fans about the ability to move away from your train, either to find a good viewing spot, or to see what other trains in the area are up to. This camera is my personal favourite.
KujuAdam |

En resumen que habrá tres cámaras:

3D Cab Camera: Para explorar la cabina de los trenes elegidos, con posibilidad de cambiar de posición, función zoom y con la opción de sacar la cabeza por la ventanilla.

Coupling camera: Admite ver los enganches desde más de un punto de vista.

Enhanced TRack Side Camera: La vista exterior, con posibilidad de posicionar la camara a gusto de cada uno, con posibilidad de moverse a lo largo del tren, y de ver otros trenes en circulación por la zona.

A mi modo de ver, sólo debería haber una cámara: una que nos permita ir a donde nos de la gana libremente. Posiblemente esto sea más fácil decirlo que implementarlo...


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